How To Crack L1B Visa Interview

How To Crack L1B Visa Interview

How To Crack L1B Visa Interview

L1B visa comes under specialized category of visa. It means you are highly skilled and have specialty in your field. Please follow all the points here and you are all set to go.


  1. I-129S.
    This form you have to fill and submit online. Keep three copies of this form.
  2.  Visa receipt documents.
    You will get your visa receipt documents from your company.
    you need to show these documents for finger prints and at the embassy for interview.
  3.  Appointment Letter.
    You need this for interview.
  4.  US proposed salary documents.
    Your company will provide these documents. You should also remember the salary written on the documents.
  5.  Educational certificates.
  6.  Address proof.
  7.  Resume copy.
  8.  Current company pay slips.
  9.  Bank statements.

How to organize documents?

You can organize your documents in a file like this. It will be easy for you to find something using sticky notes. For L1B visa, you might have documents over 200 pages. So its always good to organize documents.

Lets talk about Interview.

Be confident, keep smiling face and keep proper eye contact.
When your turn comes, go to the designated window and greet the officer with a smile on your face.
Be confident and make proper eye contact. Even if you are scared, don’t let the interviewer feel that you are scared. It is okay to be little nervous but keep calm, be confident and keep smiling and happy face.

Lets discuss some important questions.

The interviewer may ask about your current work, current salary, roles, responsibilities, total experience, location of work. You should refresh everything before going for interview.
The consulate officer may ask about your company’s customers.

Since, L1b visa is a specialized visa, the officer may ask about your specialization in your field.
The officer may ask, have you developed any tool? or something? You should just answer yes.
Don’t start explaining the tool. If the officer ask which tool? Then tell the name of the tool.
Still don’t explain until the interviewer explicitly ask to explain, then explain in brief.

How many people are there in your project? or how many people contributed in the tool?

Answer. Obviously, alone you can’t design a tool and run a project.
So tell the number of people working with you.

Why only you have been chosen for on site project?

Answer. This is really a tricky question. Hard to answer but i will give you some tips.

You can say i have been working in this project or tool since its inception.
I know the in and out of this project. I can add any features. However my other team members are working as a support to me. They will have hard time to add any features.

Why can’t you work from here?

Answer. Now a days there are so many tools available which you can use from anywhere to work anywhere.

So this is a obvious and tricky question. According to me the best answer for this question would be this.
“For security reasons our client can not expose their web services and codes beyond their premises. So they need me on site. I am also going to train other people over there, who would be using this tool in the future.”

Some unexpected questions.

1. What will you do if i reject your visa?

Your typical response should be something like this- “if my visa gets rejected, the program i am involved in, will not kick start resulting in the loss of my client’s technical advancements. This will also have a negative impact on my parent company’s reputation as a commitment has already been given to my client for the program “.

2. What will be the Business Impact if you don’t travel to US?

Simply you can say -The technology we are using suits the current demand and market.
The client can expand his business using my techniques. So client can grow exponentially.

Watch my YouTube channel YouTube: How to crack L1B visa interview.

Click here for L1 Visa Interview Questions And Answers.

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