My First Experience Of Traveling To USA On H4 Visa

My First Experience Of Traveling To USA On H4 Visa

My First Experience Of Traveling To USA On H4 Visa

After completing my H4 visa interview i got my visa after 28 days. The next step was to book my flight ticket. Here I had two options.

H4 visa interview experience.

Direct Flights to USA.

If you are going alone and if this is your first time then direct flight is the best option. Specifically if you are a girl and going first time out of country then direct flight is better than indirect flight as you don’t have to worry about changing flights and wait for long hours.

Indirect flight

In direct flights are mostly cheaper but if you are going first time then it may be little bit difficult to manage.

My husband was asking for indirect flights as it was little cheaper. All the husbands are same. They want to save money :). But I insisted for direct flight. So I took direct flight from delhi to New York. It was my first journey out of my beloved country.

My flight was Air India. 99% passengers were Indian. This was also a reason to book air India for first time traveling as you can ask anyone for any kind of help Whether in flight or in the airport.

It took around 15 hours from Delhi to New York. It was a good experience. I didn’t sleep much in the flight. I watched 3 movies for time pass.

I reached New York in the morning. I didn’t know much about luggage cart and other things. So, I hired one guy. Each airport has helpers. He took my luggage and we both went outside airport where my hubby was waiting for me. We gave the helper $20. It was not expensive but it’s okay for the first time.

Food Inside air India flight

Airtel Network In New York USA

Learn more about exciting things in USA Life in USA.

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